Australian Energy Producers has two categories of membership: full member and associate member.
In addition, individuals deemed by our Board to have rendered meritorious service to Australian Energy Producers or the oil and gas industry can be made Honorary Life Members.
See the full list of Australian Energy Producers members.
Applying for membership
Prospective members must submit a completed membership application form to Australian Energy Producers’ Secretariat. The Board considers all membership applications at its regular meetings.
Membership types
To be a full member of Australian Energy Producers, a company must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- hold a registered petroleum exploration or production tenement (or a lawful interest in such a tenement)
- be spending or lawfully obliged to spend money in petroleum exploration and/or production in Australia
- be suitable for admission for its actual or potential participation in and/or contribution to the industry.
Currently, there are 10 categories of full membership. These range from small exploration and/or production companies with less than 250,000 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) production per year in Australia, through to large producers with greater than 90 million boe annual production.
The category where each member company fits is determined by the Board based on the company’s mix of:
- total predicted boe production
- total petroleum-related expenditure for the current calendar year
- anticipated total petroleum-related expenditure for the next calendar year
- the company’s interest in any major development projects
- the company’s relative size and standing (market capitalisation).
To be an associate member of Australian Energy Producers, a company or party must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- have bona fide interests in Australian Energy Producers’ goals, influence and interests
- provide services in the ordinary course of business to full members.
The associate membership categories include:
- Category 1: Small companies, government agencies, educational institutions and small service/supply providers.
- Category 2: Service and supply organisations, including financial, commercial, legal, environmental, and technical support service companies, equipment and/or hardware suppliers, data processors and onshore transport and storage.
- Category 3: Field operation companies, including Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) contractors, drilling, seismic, marine and other field service companies.
Find out more about membership, or contact CRM & Member Relations Manager Karen Patterson
[email protected]
0420 453 432