24 May 2024
2024 Australian Energy Producers Conference & Exhibition Awards: Best authors, exhibitors and speakers recognised
The 2024 Australian Energy Producers Conference & Exhibition brought together experts and exhibitors in Perth for a week of outstanding energy policy debate and displays.
We recognised the best displays and contributions to discussion about energy policies with the presentation of the Australian Energy Producer Awards.

Australian Energy Producers Vice-Chair and Comet Ridge’s Tor McCaul hosted the awards
The criteria for the Exhibition Awards includes originality in stand design, innovative use of space, and the creative ways the exhibitor and their staff communicate their offering and tell their story to delegates. Thanks to our sponsor INPEX.
Best Booth – Shell Scheme
The winner of the Best Booth – Shell Scheme award for the Australian Energy Producers Conference & Exhibition 2024 goes to Sealumet.
The judges were particularly impressed with their consistent and enthusiastic engagement with conference delegates.

The Sealumet Australia stand in Perth
Much of the stand was dedicated to displaying a wide range of products showcasing innovation, capability and solutions, with additional information displayed on the walls.
Staff were approachable, knowledgeable, and passionate when engaging with delegates, proudly discussing how their products have provided solutions for major projects.

Vikram Arora, Managing Director, Sealumet Australia accepting the award for Best Booth Shell Scheme
Best Booth – Custom Build
Each year the originality of the design, the importance for increasingly sustainable practices and the need to ensure key messages are projected clearly to attending delegates – are of the upmost importance.
These stands demand a level of investment of time and money and all companies are to be commended on their builds this year.
The exhibition was nothing short of outstanding and very competitive with honourable mentions to Woodside, NOPTA & NOPSEMA and Kaefer Integrated Services.
The winner for the 2024 Australian Energy Producers Exhibition – Best Custom Build is awarded to a stand that in the words of the judges “Mixes traditional Japanese elements with innovative placement of media from the overhead rigging and banner giving it a ‘wow’ factor.

The INPEX stand at this year’s Exhibition in Perth
This stand sends a message of a Japanese company who is proudly dedicated to Australia.
The vibe on the stand is inviting, drawing delegates into a space where staff are warm and friendly.
Our 2024 winner is INPEX.
Jodie Wesley, General Manager Corporate Affairs, INPEX accepting the award for Best Booth Custom Build from Awards MC Tor McCaul
Australian Energy Producers concurrent program provides an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and best practice in all aspects of our technical and commercial operations.
This is a tangible example of how our industry is committed to information sharing and collaboration. This section of the conference is sponsored by BP.
The technical and business program was again developed under the guidance of Australian Energy Producers Honorary Life Member, and Technical Papers Chairman, Dr. Steve Mackie, with support from the Conference Technical Program Committee.
These awards recognise the authors and presenters who have achieved excellence in their written papers and the presentation of their endeavours.
Visual Presentations
The visual presentation section (formally known as poster presentations) is an important contribution to the conference and exhibition.
Every year, the industry’s best and brightest undertake hours of work with the results being proudly displayed for delegates to view and engage with.
It is critical research work that we all benefit from. It presents an ideal opportunity for those presenters who may not wish to present an oral presentation, or their material presents more effectively on canvas or in digital format.
The winner for Best Visual Presentation for 2024 is Dr Tad Choi (CHOY) from Petroleum Geo-Services Australia for his paper titled “Exploration Potential of Papua New Guinea – Latest MultiClient 3D provides new insight into the Underexplored Papuan Basin over the Papuan and Eastern Plateaus”.

Rachael Risucci, BP Managing Director, Gas & Low Carbon Energy – Australia, presented the award for Best Visual Presentation to Dr Tad Choi from Petroleum Geo-Services Australia
Oral Presentations
This award, for the ‘Best Oral Presentation’, is awarded to the paper and the presenter that, in the opinion of the judges was the best presented technical or business paper at the Conference. This is hotly contested and has in the past been won by seasoned professionals through to first-time presenters.
The winner for the Best Oral Presentation for 2024 goes to Dr Anne Forbes (Wood Mackenzie) for her presentation ‘Beetaloo or bust: the route to commercial success for an Australian shale

Dr Anne Forbes from Wood Mackenzie accepts the award
This is an award voted for by peers, so a special one to receive at a conference with over 100 speakers.
Best Extended Abstract
Extended abstracts offer another way for authors to present the findings of their research and innovation to a wide audience.
The introduction around 13 years ago of this style of shorter paper has allowed quality material to be distributed to the industry and be recognised in The Journal – gaining its author recognition without the considerable commitment of a 3-5000 word paper.
It is Dr Mackie’s final year as Technical Papers Chair and as a mark of recognition to his long-term passion and commitment to delivering a world class program and journal, The Best Extended Abstract will from 2024 onwards be renamed as the Dr Steve Mackie Award.
Thank you Steve for your commitment and this we hope will ensure a legacy for many years to come.
The Dr Steve Mackie Award for the Best Extended Abstract published in 2024 Journal goes to David Levy from ExxonMobil for his paper titled “Analysis of an Existing Hydrocarbon Gas Pipeline for conversion to dense phase CO2 service.”

Best Extended Abstract Award recipient David Levy from ExxonMobil
Best Peer Reviewed Paper
This is a prestigious and eagerly sought award. It is named after Alan Prince, the inaugural editor of The Australian Energy Producers Journal and a Reg Sprigg Gold Medalist.
The ‘Alan Prince Award’ for the Best Peer-Reviewed Paper published in the 2024 Australian Energy Producers Journal goes to Geoffrey O’Brien, Simone de Morton and David Bason from CO2CRC for their paper titled “Securing the Australian CCS project rollout by improving aspects of the GHG storage legislation: a discussion paper.”

Geoffrey O’Brien accepts (also on behalf of Simone de Morton and David Bason from CO2CRC) the Alan Prince Award for the Best Peer-Reviewed Paper
Thanks to all the authors and presenters at this year’s Conference and BP for their continued support for this important part of program.