09 May 2018

With energy policy and resource projects in the headlines – not to mention the possibility of a federal election in 2018 – there will be no shortage of big political issues for debate at the 2018 APPEA Conference & Exhibition in Adelaide next week.
On Tuesday 15 May, South Australian Premier Steven Marshall will open APPEA’s 58th annual conference. The Premier will be followed by the Federal Minister for Resources and Northern Australia, Senator Matt Canavan. Completing the trifecta, on Thursday 16 May, Federal Opposition spokesman for industry, Senator Kim Carr, will outline Labor’s policies on energy and resources development.
It is vital that the industry understands the perspectives of leading politicians. It is equally important that our political leaders have a sense of the scale and contribution of the oil and gas industry to Australia. Nothing can deliver that message better than time spent in the APPEA exhibition where 120 firms show their role in building a healthy, growing industry.
APPEA Chief Executive Dr Malcolm Roberts said, politics aside, the APPEA Conference & Exhibition is the industry’s own forum for exchanging ideas and information.
“With more than 2,000 people attending the conference, every project and every part of the industry supply chain is represented. The scale of the conference reflects the scale of the industry’s contribution to Australia.
“The federal budget this week confirms just how important are the investment, jobs and exports generated by the industry,” Dr Roberts said.
“The industry is emerging from a bruising downturn. Confidence is recovering. New projects are underway or being planned. Excitement is returning.
“The APPEA conference is, hands-down, the event for industry networking and deal making.
“But, as always, the industry needs to keep adapting to change – changing markets, changing technologies, changing politics, changing community expectations. All these pressures will be addressed by the world class ensemble of speakers presenting at the conference.
At APPEA 2018, senior executives from leading companies such as BHP Petroleum, Chevron, ExxonMobil, INPEX, Santos, Shell and Woodside will share their insights into how businesses can succeed in today’s rapidly changing global energy market.
Prominent executives and experts speaking at the conference include:
- Clough Chief Executive Peter Bennett
- Woodside Chief Executive Peter Coleman
- Santos Chief Executive Kevin Gallagher
- Chevron Australia Managing Director Nigel Hearne
- US Council on Foreign Relations energy expert Amy Myers Jaffe
- CSIRO Chief Executive Dr Larry Marshall
- Shell Australia Chairman and APPEA Chairman Zoe Yujnovich.
APPEA 2018 will also reach out to new audiences, outside the industry.
80 students from South Australian high schools will attend APPEA’s new look youth program, proudly sponsored by Shell, Santos, Chevron and Woodside. The students will enjoy a full tour of the exhibition and will hear from graduates working in the industry about their working lives in our dynamic industry. They will also participate in interactive workshops demonstrating the latest industry technology. At the end of the busy program, the senior students will put their questions to senior industry representatives.
One hundred speakers, 120 exhibiting firms, 24 technical sessions, five plenaries featuring 20 speakers, and a world-class selection of poster presentations – APPEA 2018, Adelaide, 14-17 May.
For more information, visit www.appeaconference.com.au