13 Jun 2016

At each annual Conference, APPEA presents several prestigious industry awards.
APPEA congratulates the following award recipients.
Reg Sprigg Award: The Honourable Ian Macfarlane
Picture above: Ian Macfarlane receiving the Reg Sprigg Award from APPEA Chairman Bruce Lake.
Australia’s longest-serving Minister for Resources and Energy, Ian Macfarlane, has received APPEA’s highest honour.
This is the first time the Reg Sprigg Medal – given for outstanding service to the industry — has been awarded since 2013.
Mr Macfarlane has been an energetic and effective advocate for the Australian oil and gas industry.
From November 2001 until September 2015, with one brief interval, he served as the Minister or Shadow Minister for Resources and Energy.
He played a major role in developing the positive policy environment that fostered a new generation of world-class Australian oil and gas projects.
Because of this, Australia will soon be the world’s leading LNG exporter, and will enjoy decades of export income and tax revenue.
Safety Excellence Award: Santos

Santos Managing Director Kevin Gallagher receiving the award from Eni Australia Managing Director and Chairman of APPEA’s Health Safety and Operations Committee, Ernie Delfos.
In 2015, Santos recorded its best injury figures in the last 15 years and delivered a world-class safety performance.
This was achieved during a phase of potentially high-risk operations – including the commissioning of major operational CSG and LNG hubs.
Santos maintains that no business objective will take priority over safety, and no task is so important or urgent that it cannot be done safely.
The company has enhanced its tracking and measurement of safety culture and critical controls management, enabling it to systematically and effectively minimise risks.”
Environmental Excellence Award: Woodside

Woodside Chief Operations Officer, Mike Utsler, and colleagues accepting the award from Chairman of APPEA’s Health Safety and Operations Committee, Ernie Delfos.
Woodside has consistently shown excellence across all facets of environmental performance.
The company minimises its footprint by integrating world-class environmental management into its operations.
Its streamlined environment systems minimise complexity and enable standardised, risk-based management of all kinds of projects around the world.
Woodside also emphasises the importance of sound science and understanding local environments.
It identifies key scientific partners and global service providers to enhance local knowledge, and works to build long-term relationships.
KA Richards Scholarship: Jon McCullough
The KA Richards Scholarship was established in 1989 to assist outstanding petroleum engineering or petroleum geoscience postgraduate students.
The most recent recipient is Jon McCullough, a PhD student at the University of Queensland’s School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering.
His thesis on heat transfer in hydraulic fracturing fluids is the kind of groundbreaking research that will be crucial in providing reliable energy to the world over the next few decades.
Best Oral Presentation: Could a structurally controlled, hydrothermal dolomite play be operative in Cambro-Ordovician carbonates of the southern Georgina Basin, Queensland?
RJ Willink, MJ Bucknill and NC Palmer (Central Petroleum); Presenter: Robert Willink (Central Petroleum).
Best Extended Abstract: Evaluating potential coal seam gas impacts to the Condamine Alluvium: an example of successful community involvement
S. Gossmann, S. Denner, S. Herbert (Arrow Energy Pty Ltd), S. Pandey (Klohn Crippen Berger), R. Cox, M. Gallagher and J. Moncrieff (Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment, Queensland Government); Presenter: Simon Gossmann.
Best Poster Presentation: A low-cost deepwater gas development solution using subsea dehydration
R. Moore (SubCool Technologies) and I. Long (INTECSEA, WorleyParsons Group); Presenter: Richard Moore (SubCool Technologies)
Best Peer Reviewed Paper (Alan Price Award) jointly awarded to:
The patchwork approach to the regulation of fraccing and unconventionals in Australia
J. Hedge (Allens); Presenter: John Hedge.
The Waitsia Field, onshore North Perth Basin, Western Australia
N. Tupper, E. Matthews, G. Cooper, A. Furniss, T. Hicks and S. Hunt (AWE Limited); Presenter: Neil Tupper.
Best Shell Scheme Stand: Bartec
Best Custom Stand: Woodside