16 May 2012

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Safety Awards winners, ConocoPhillips and Vermilion Energy, have shown that demanding work programs and improvements in safety standards can be successfully delivered in tandem.
Presenting the awards at last night’s APPEA 2012 Conference Dinner in Adelaide, APPEA Chief Executive David Byers noted that in 2011 ConocoPhillips and Vermilion both improved their total recordable injury frequency rate by more than 35 per cent from 2010.
The Australian oil and gas industry as a whole recorded its lowest-ever lost-time injury frequency rate – 0.85 injuries per million hours worked – an improvement of about 11% from 2010.
“Our industry remains one of the best safety performers in Australia,” Mr Byers said.
“Australian oil and gas continues to strive for constant improvement in its safety performance, and companies such as ConocoPhillips and Vermilion Energy are leading the way.”
The APPEA Safety Awards are offered in two classes:
- Category A for operating companies that recorded, jointly with their contractors, more than five hundred thousand working hours for the calendar year; and
- Category B for operating companies that recorded, jointly with their contractors, fewer than five hundred thousand working hours for the calendar year.
ConocoPhillips wins Category A award
ConocoPhillips won Category A for the third year in a row.
In 2011, the company undertook safety leadership coaching, training managers and line supervisors to engage the wider workforce in discussions on process safety and personal safety. ConocoPhillips also implemented several comprehensive long-term infrastructure renewal programs for aging facilities.
Vermilion Energy wins Category B award
In 2011, Vermilion achieved the greatest improvement in safety across Category B companies. The company identified five strategic areas – asset integrity, safety culture, incident prevention, information management, and stakeholder and community engagement. These have been integrated into a strategic safety plan that has now been implemented across Vermilion’s operations.
The company also uses a comprehensive and formalised competency-based training system, involving all levels of the offshore and onshore workforces, to enhance safety across its operations. Download PDF
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