12 Aug 2012

Despite misinformation and fear campaigns, the truth on co-existence between CSG and farming is still occasionally reported. Two notable examples are a story on ABC TV’s Queensland 7.30 Report telling how a farmer and a CSG company joined together for their mutual benefit and a Courier Mail article showing how most people in the town of Tara are actually supporters, rather than opponents, of the CSG industry.
ABC TV’s Queensland 7.30 Report reports how a Roma farmer has embraced the coal seam gas industry and how the CSG company has minimised its impact on his farming operations. He says CSG is a “worthwhile part” of his business. Other locals speak about new jobs and opportunities brought by the CSG industry.
Elsewhere in Queensland’s Western Downs, Courier Mail journalist Des Houghton visited the town of Tara to see the situation for himself. His story begins:
- 75% believe the CSG industry will generate more business and economic activity over the next five years;
- 80% find current business conditions favourable;
- 93% believe the areas need a diverse range of industries to sustain the town’s small businesses;
- 84% believe business conditions will improve in the next 12 months due to coal seam gas developments, mining and industry growth; and
- 73% would prefer farming and gas operations to exist side-by-side.