30 Apr 2015

Former NASA astronaut Dr Jim Reilly heads a long and distinguished list of speakers who will address this year’s APPEA Conference and Exhibition, which will be held in Melbourne 17-20 May.
Following a career as an oil and gas exploration geologist, Dr. Reilly flew on three missions between 1998 and 2007, logging 850 hours in space, including five spacewalks totaling more than 31 hours. He has also worked on the ISS and Mir space stations.
APPEA Acting Chief Executive Paul Fennelly said: “With a changing global market and significant investment in oil and gas projects now underway in Australia, there is again intense interest in this year’s conference.
“We are delighted to have speakers of the caliber of Dr. Reilly join us to provide unique insights into the science, technologies and achievements, as well as the challenges ahead for an industry that continues to be an Australian success story.”
More than 2000 people have already taken advantage of early bird registration for the conference and exhibition.
Other keynote speakers and panelists include:
- Federal Minister for Industry and Science – the Hon. Ian Macfarlane
- Federal Shadow Minister for Resources – the Hon. Gary Gray
- Victorian Treasurer – the Hon. Tim Pallas
- APPEA Chairman – Mr Bruce Lake
- BHP Billiton President, Petroleum and Potash – Mr Tim Cutt
- Woodside Petroleum Chief Executive – Mr Peter Coleman
- QGC Managing Director – Mr Mitch Ingram
- Managing Director, Chevron Australia – Mr Roy Krzywosinski
- China National Offshore Oil Corporation Chief Representative Australia – Mr Yongfeng Lu
- Chairman Natural Gas Research Programme and Senior Research Fellow, The Oxford Institute of Energy Studies – Professor Jonathan Stern
- BP Vice President Exploration (Asia-Pacific) – Dr. Bryan Ritchie.
Full three-day and one-day registrations are available up until the conference opening.
For more information visit www.appeaconference.com.au Download PDF
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