07 May 2018

The Australian Gas Industry Trust Gas Speak Colloquium is a mentoring program that offers the gas industry’s future leaders the chance to gain valuable experience and insights into the art of public speaking.
The three-day seminar will be held at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra from Monday 13 August to Wednesday 15 August 2018.
Its objective is: “To encourage an awareness and knowledge of the gas industry in Australia by providing a forum for young people to present papers, chair sessions, conduct syndicate discussions and develop the art of self-expression and communication.”
Gas Speak is designed to give younger and up-and-coming gas industry employees instruction in public speaking and advocacy, and to enable them to mix with industry leaders and politicians, to learn about other parts of gas sector and to network with industry participants.
Nominations are aimed at applicants who are aged 35 and under, but older applicants are welcome to apply.
Gas Speak 2018 will focus on public speaking, preparing PowerPoint presentations and how to chair sessions. It will include a special training session in communication, speech writing and presentation, as well as presentations on current industry issues and on how delegates can be industry advocates.
Delegates are required to prepare a 17 minute presentation before the event, and to present this to other delegates and mentors. These mentors are senior gas industry representatives who will give advice and feedback on the presentations.
A Gas Industry Awareness evening will be held as a cocktail event at Parliament House on Monday 15 August. Delegates will be required to prepare a PowerPoint poster on key issues affecting their industry sector.
Up to 30 delegate places are available. An organisation can submit multiple nominations.
For more information and for the nomination form, see this link.