29 May 2013

The Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) has awarded its Lewis G Weeks Gold Medal to South Australia’s senior oil and gas regulator, Barry Goldstein.
Announcing the award at the APPEA 2013 Conference dinner, APPEA Chairman David Knox said Mr Goldstein’s major contribution to the industry’s regulatory practices had revitalised petroleum exploration in South Australia and established a positive template for onshore regulation.
Born in the US, Barry graduated from the University of New York (Bachelors – Geology, 1975) and the University of Missouri (Masters – Geology, 1977). Fortunately his career led him to Australia where he eventually became Exploration Manager and Chief Geologist at Santos.
After working for more than 20 years as a successful exploration geologist, he became Executive Director of the South Australian Government’s Energy Resources Division.
“Under Barry, South Australia has become the leader in onshore regulation,” Mr Knox said.
“He has fostered a positive culture at South Australia’s Energy Resources Division, one that pays attention to processes without losing sight of the desired results.
“Barry and his team have developed regulatory systems that mesh well with real-life operational best practice. The industry is held to high standards, but the regulation is sensible, streamlined and based on sound science and technical practice.
“Barry has also long been the South Australian representative on the Senior Committee of Officials, which supports the Council of Australian Governments’ Standing Council on Energy & Resources.
“He is the current Chair of Australia’s Coal Seam Ga Steering Group and serves on other COAG committees– providing advice to State, Territory and Commonwealth Energy Ministers. Through these roles he has made valuable contributions to the development of national energy policy.
“This award recognises the enormous importance of Barry Goldstein’s work and the respect and affection that both industry and government hold for him.”
Barry Goldstein is a past President of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, and has served on the Boards of the Australian Geoscience Council (2004-2007), and the Federation of Australian Scientific and Technologic Societies (2004-2007). Download PDF
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