13 Mar 2014

There remains enormous potential to safely explore and develop Queensland’s shale gas resources, to create jobs and attract another wave of economic investment, the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) said today.
Already natural gas from coal seams feeds almost 100 per cent of Queensland’s gas supply needs and has been responsible for generating about 30,000 jobs, mostly in rural and regional communities.
Comments made today by the Queensland Opposition about the future of shale gas development ignore the Queensland gas industry’s proven record of safe operations over many decades.
APPEA Chief Operating Officer Paul Fennelly said: “It is very important that political parties do not adopt policies from The Greens to stop resource development and the benefits it can bring to Queensland’s economy.
“Across the border in South Australia about 685 wells have been safely fractured stimulated in the Cooper Basin over the last 40 years.
“Shale gas also uses multi-pad horizontal drilling, which ensures that the surface footprint of activities is minimised so that there is little impact on agricultural operations or the environment.”
Last year the Australian Council of Learned Academies highlighted the “great potential” of shale gas as an important new energy option for Australia, while also identifying challenges that could be met through careful management.
Mr Fennelly said: “Industry supports the findings that robust regulation and best practice operations are central to managing and mitigating the identified risks.” Download PDF
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