21 Mar 2013

The Australian oil and gas industry welcomes a report by the Queensland Government that finds no adverse health impacts have resulted from natural coal seam gas operations near Tara in western Queensland.
The Queensland Department of Health report tabled in State Parliament this morning draws on the findings of a Darling Downs Public Health Unit investigation conducted in the Tara area last year along with independent medical assessment and scrutiny.
APPEA Chief Operating Officer Eastern Region, Rick Wilkinson said: “The report concludes a clear link cannot be drawn between the health complaints of some residents in the Tara region and the impacts of the local CSG industry on air, water or soil within the community.
“The report also says that given the nature of complaints there are multiple potential causes and explanations.
“It’s a finding consistent with the history of safe development of natural gas from coal seams in the Surat Basin for more than 15 years.
“Both the Lock the Gate Alliance and The Greens, who have been using the complaints of some residents to mount a shameful scare campaign for many months now, must now acknowledge the comprehensive independent medical report, and retract their health scare allegations now that the facts are in.
“Natural gas is commonly used in households all over Australia with no evidence or basis for a campaign to label it a health risk.
“The Queensland gas industry now employs more than 27,000 people many of whom work in and around gas infrastructure on a daily basis. They remain a healthy workforce and the industry will continue to safely source natural gas, create jobs and revitalise regional communities.”
The report can be viewed at: www.parliament.qld.gov.au/documents/tableOffice/TabledPapers/2013/5413T2306.pdf Download PDF
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