16 Dec 2018

Oil and gas industry leaders, regulators and representatives of southeast Australia’s seafood industry met in Melbourne on November 16 for a regional workshop discussing collaboration and cooperation in offshore areas.
The 40 attendees at the APPEA/Seafood Industry Association (SIA) workshop learned about regulatory frameworks under which both sectors operate and identified areas for improvement in consultation, science and cooperation.
The oil and gas industry operators and fishers, located in the offshore waters of Victoria and Tasmania, focused on several areas to:
- Provide a foundation for building relationships between the fishing and petroleum industries.
- Identify improvements to consultation processes between Victoria/Tasmania fishers and petroleum/geophysical companies.
- Agree on practical approaches for issues to be identified, prioritised and progressed outside of the Environment Plan assessment process.
Some of the key issues discussed included fisheries and petroleum regulation, the reliability of information to understand historic fishing and petroleum interactions, risk management, interpretations of science and understanding noise impacts on the marine environment.
APPEA sincerely thanked the SIA, NERA for facilitation and other key stakeholders for attending the workshop. Another round table meeting is planned for 2019.
For more information please contact Keld Knudsen: [email protected]