29 Apr 2019

A strong number of entries have been received for APPEA’s Environment and Safety Excellence Awards, highlighting the oil and gas industry’s commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.
Australia’s oil and gas sector has an unwavering commitment to the highest environment, health and safety standards.
As a result, APPEA received almost 30 submissions from companies and contractors across the four award categories, including:
- Safety Company
- Environment Company
- Safety Project
- Environment Project.
APPEA’s Environment and Safety Excellence Awards aim to reflect and support the safety and environmental principles and leadership of the oil and gas industry by highlighting outstanding examples of performance.
APPEA Director of Environment Health and Safety Jason Medd said: “Companies that win an APPEA Safety or Environment Award are visible examples of these principles being ‘lived’ and serve as a role model for others in the industry.”
The inclusion of two new project excellence award categories has enabled a broader cross-section of the Australian industry to enter and be formally recognised.
Nominees and winners will be announced at the APPEA 2019 Conference Dinner on 29 May 2019 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.