26 Feb 2025

Media release: Boosting gas supply a priority for Australia’s economic and energy security

Australian Energy Producers today released its priorities to restore Australia’s competitiveness and ensure reliable and affordable gas for Australians ahead of the federal election. The industry’s plan for Australia’s economic and energy security comes as new polling in key Western Australian seats confirms strong support for the natural gas industry and its role in WA’s long-term energy mix.

Australian Energy Producers Chief Executive Samantha McCulloch said the industry’s federal election platform outlines key actions for the next Australian Government to unlock the economic, energy security and emissions reduction potential of Australia’s abundant gas resources.

“Natural gas will play an essential role in Australia’s energy mix to 2050 and beyond, but regulatory uncertainty, approval delays and policy interventions have delayed critical projects and damaged Australia’s reputation as a safe place to invest,” Ms McCulloch said.

“Australia has abundant gas resources and yet we are facing forecast gas shortfalls on the east coast from 2027 and from 2030 in Western Australia.

“Without new gas projects, Australian households and businesses face higher energy prices, uncertain energy supply, and increased risk of blackouts that will hit every part of the economy. Addressing these risks should be a national priority.”

Australian Energy Producers is urging the major parties to commit to working with industry on the following priority actions:

  • Boost Australian gas supply to ease cost of living pressures
  • Restore Australia’s global competitiveness for investment
  • Deliver real emissions reductions with gas and carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS)
  • Remain a reliable energy partner in our region

“Australia and our region’s economic growth and energy security needs reliable and affordable gas supply, and this requires continued investment in new gas exploration and development,” Ms McCulloch said.

“The Australian gas industry contributes $105 billion a year to the Australian economy and supports 215,000 jobs. Natural gas provides around 40 per cent of the energy used by Australia’s manufacturing sector, and in WA gas provides more than half the energy used in mining and minerals processing.

“Polling confirms that Western Australians understand the importance of natural gas to the state’s economy. The next Australian Government should take note and prioritise actions to boost new gas supply, address approval delays, and ensure reliable and affordable energy for Australian households and businesses.”

Read Australian Energy Producers’ policy platform for the 2025 Federal Election: https://energyproducers.au/2025election    

Key findings from JWS Research polling in the electorates of Curtin, Tangney and Bullwinkel are summarised below.

JWS Research polling results relating to the natural gas sector 

JWS conducted online polling on 11-12 February on behalf of Australian Energy Producers, with around 830 respondents in each electorate. Key results of voters’ views on the role of natural gas in WA’s energy mix and its importance to the WA economy are summarised below. 


  • 73% support WA’s natural gas industry
  • 64% believe natural gas has a long-term role in WA’s energy mix
  • 78% believe the natural gas industry is important to WA’s economy
  • 69% oppose the Greens’ policy to ban all new gas projects
  • 65% oppose Labor forming a minority government with the Greens at the election
  • 69% believe a Labor-Greens minority government would have a negative impact on the WA economy
  • 47% are more likely to vote for a candidate that supports WA’s natural gas industry, while only 15% said they were more likely to vote against a candidate that supported the gas industry (36% said it would not influence their vote).


  • 72% support WA’s natural gas industry
  • 68% believe natural gas has a long-term role in WA’s energy mix, including 54% of Greens voters
  • 80% believe the natural gas industry is important to WA’s economy, including 61% of Greens voters
  • 60% oppose the Greens’ policy to ban all new gas projects, only 12% support it
  • 57% oppose Labor forming a minority government with the Greens at the election
  • 63% believe a Labor-Greens minority government would have a negative impact on the WA economy
  • 48% are more likely to vote for a candidate that supports WA’s natural gas industry, while only 6% said they were more likely to vote against a candidate that supported the gas industry (45% said it would not influence their vote).


  • 77% support WA’s natural gas industry
  • 75% believe natural gas has a long-term role in WA’s energy mix, including 69% of Greens voters
  • 80% believe the natural gas industry is important to WA’s economy, including 85% of Greens voters
  • 74% oppose the Greens’ policy to ban all new gas projects
  • 70% oppose Labor forming a minority government with the Greens at the election
  • 71% believe a Labor-Greens minority government would have a negative impact on the WA economy
  • 46% are more likely to vote for a candidate that supports WA’s natural gas industry, while only 6% said they were more likely to vote against a candidate that supported the gas industry (45% said it would not influence their vote).

Contact: 0434 631 511