27 Aug 2012

Australia’s coal seam gas producers today launched a major advertising and information campaign about an industry that is delivering more jobs, cleaner energy and energy security to the nation and beyond.
“Natural coal seam gas. It’s cleaner. It’s safer. It’s jobs. It is the future,” will stand opposed to an ideologically-motivated campaign currently underway from a Green movement intent on stopping the Australian community’s use of hydrocarbon fuels.
APPEA Chief Operating Officer Eastern Region, Rick Wilkinson said: “There is a co-ordinated, well-resourced campaign underway by the Green movement and fringe activists to spread untruths and myths about natural CSG production throughout rural and regional communities.
“The Greens and partner activists are driven by ideology that has scant regard for the future of natural gas supply to Australian households, industry and overseas trading partners.
“Our industry will continue to highlight the benefits gas companies are now bringing to the national economy through jobs, investment, community funding, technological research and innovation.
“We will also continue to highlight the industry’s immense technological capacity and its commitment to cutting-edge environmental management.”
Australia’s energy security future is far from certain. Geoscience Australia estimates there is approximately 235 trillion cubic feet of potential gas resources in Queensland – enough to power a city of 1 million people for 5,000 years.
NSW also has significant reserves, yet that State currently imports 95 per cent of its gas and looming supply uncertainty is set to accentuate rising energy costs.
Mr Wilkinson said: “There is no reason why NSW and Victoria can’t experience the tremendous benefits industry is now bringing to rural and regional Queensland.
“Queensland gas companies employ more than 12,000 people, have signed more than 2,700 landholder agreements and donated more than $70 million to community organisations.
“It’s pleasing to see those communities get more through consultation and good will than just Green-based scaremongering and mistruths.”
To see APPEA’s latest television and print advertisements visit www.wewantcsg.com.au. Download PDF
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