16 Apr 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the APPEA Conference and Exhibition, originally planned for May 2020, has been postponed to June 14-17, 2021 at the Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre in Western Australia.
The APPEA Conference and Exhibition is the largest annual upstream oil and gas event in the southern hemisphere, attracting thousands of delegates from across the country and around the world.
The conference’s technical and business papers already submitted will be published in the 2020 APPEA Journal (to be released in May, further information will be advised in due course). Other elements of the Conference and Exhibition will however be postponed to the new date in 2021.
APPEA will contact all stakeholders including speakers, delegates, exhibitors and sponsors directly to advise of their options moving forward.
APPEA Chief Executive Andrew McConville said while the industry’s current focus was meeting the personnel, operational and community challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, APPEA was committed to maintain its engagement with members, industry stakeholders and the broader community.
“Our industry’s first priority is the health and safety of our people, then ensuring vital energy supplies are maintained and we will continue to highlight the critical role we play in underpinning Australia’s economic and social well-being,” Mr McConville said.
“Next year, we are excited that we will be able to celebrate the APPEA Conference’s 60th anniversary in Perth.
“Such events are critical for the industry to stay informed, do business, find solutions to challenges and find pathways to opportunities.
“So, rest assured, we will be back – bigger and better than ever.”
APPEA’s national conferences and state-based events are a key part of APPEA’s support for the industry, and the association will continue to adapt to the circumstances to keep everyone informed and connected.
APPEA is also currently planning a webinar series for members and stakeholders.
For further information and updates, visit www.appeaconference.com.au Download PDF
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