03 Dec 2016

APPEA welcomes the announcement by Northern Territory Environment and Natural Resources Minister Lauren Moss of the final terms of reference for the proposed inquiry into hydraulic fracturing in the NT, and the appointment of the panel that will conduct this important inquiry.
APPEA congratulates Hon Justice Rachel Pepper on her appointment as chair of the independent inquiry.
The industry will take the time to carefully review the terms of reference, and looks forward to making a detailed submission in response.
APPEA’s Northern Territory Director Matthew Doman said industry would support the inquiry and collaborate with it to ensure that information considered was factual, complete and relevant to proposed development in the NT.
“Every reputable study confirms that, properly regulated, our industry is safe,” Mr Doman said.
“We understand that many people are uncertain about the industry, often because of deliberate scare campaigns by opponents of development. The industry is working with pastoralists, Traditional Owners and the wider community to address genuine questions and concerns.”
APPEA had argued that it was important that the inquiry considered the public benefits to Territorians of natural gas development, and is pleased this has now been incorporated into the final terms of reference.
“We believe the development of the Territory’s natural gas resources offers tremendously significant public benefits,” Mr Doman said.
“These benefits include employment and training opportunities in regional communities; improved infrastructure and services; and direct benefits to the Traditional Owners and landholders who host development on their land.” Download PDF
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