03 Aug 2016

APPEA welcomes the New South Wales Government’s decision to develop a new roadmap for the state’s transition to a cleaner energy future.
APPEA Chief Executive Dr Malcolm Roberts said the gas industry looked forward to participating in the development of the Advanced Energy Strategy.
“Cleaner-burning natural gas is critical to any low-emissions energy mix,” Dr Roberts said.
“Gas is ideal for responding rapidly to spikes in demand or falls in renewable output. It’s the natural partner to renewables.
“But experience around Australia has shown that proper planning is essential to a smooth transition to a cleaner energy future. NSW, like other states, needs a diverse, responsive generation sector that can maximise the use of renewables without jeopardising energy supply.
“Unfortunately, gas generation in the eastern Australia network is in decline, falling from a relatively consistent market share of 12 per cent in 2012 to only 10.5 per cent in June.
“The Advanced Energy Strategy must ensure sufficient gas-fired capacity to underpin energy security.”
Dr Roberts said increasing gas supply and in the east coast gas market was a matter for all governments to consider at the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council meeting later this month.
“When it comes to the east coast gas market, no state is an island. Restrictions on exploration and development in one jurisdiction affect supply in all jurisdictions,” he said.
“All governments, therefore, must do more to encourage the safe and sustainable development of their gas supplies. Australia’s successful transition to a low-carbon economy depends on it.”
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