22 Dec 2015

APPEA welcomes the release by the Minister for Resources, Energy and Northern Australia, the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP, of the Offshore Resource Management Review (ORMR) interim report.

The ORMR is an important process that allows the Government to ensure that the overall offshore exploration and development framework remains attuned to broader energy policy objectives.

APPEA Chief Executive Malcolm Roberts said it is critical that the resource management framework be considered as an integrated whole, rather than on a piecemeal basis.

“At a time when the industry is confronted with a challenging operating framework, the willingness of the Government to ensure that the system is meeting the nation’s broader energy policy objectives is supported by the industry,” he said.

“The report follows an extended period of consultations, where interested parties were activity encouraged to provide evidence to support concerns with the current policy settings.

“The industry will be reviewing the proposed areas for action and providing input into the preparation of a final report.” Download PDF

Media Contact

Kieran MurphyMobile: 0408 151 922Email: >kmurphy@energyproducers.au