13 Mar 2017

With Australia’s climate change and energy policies under the microscope, a 2017 APPEA Conference keynote presentation discusses A better life with a healthy planet: pathways to net-zero emissions.
The speaker – Shell International vice president Jeremy Bentham – leads his company’s Global Business Environment team, which is best known for developing forward-looking scenarios to support strategic thinking and direction-setting.
In the past four decades, Shell Scenario planners have identified and analysed many global trends and discontinuities, ensuring that the company can plan for several eventualities and maintain momentum through in turbulent times.
Mr Bentham says that the big challenge for society today is how to provide much more energy with much less carbon dioxide.
“Can we all envisage a world with a decent quality of life for everyone and net-zero emissions?” he asks.
“We need extraordinary and unprecedented co-ordination, collaboration and leadership across all sectors of society to enable resource development and safeguard the environment.”
Mr Bentham will speak at 11am, Monday 15 May in The Shape of Things to Come plenary session. For a preview of his presentation, click this link.
His paper is just one of 16 plenary presentations at the 2017 Conference.
There will also be four panel discussions and more than 80 concurrent presentations. The full program is now available at https://www.appeaconference.com.au/schedule/