08 Jan 2014

Further evidence Queensland farmers and the gas industry are working side by side has been highlighted by the results of a recent Nielsen survey.
Nielsen, a leading independent consultancy which specialises in measurement and information, conducted the survey to garner feedback from landholders with properties in Santos GLNG’s Roma, Arcadia and Fairview gas fields.
Contrary to an ongoing negative campaign by anti-gas activists, the results show that companies like Santos are proving their ability to establish strong, cooperative relationships with landholders. This is particularly noteworthy given that 83% of landholders surveyed had construction work taking place on their property at the time of the survey. In other words, their views were taken at a time of peak activity.
Seven in 10 respondents said they were satisfied with their relationship with Santos and nine in 10 said they would have the company back on their property. The survey also found 8 in 10 landholders said Santos has done all or almost all the things it set out to do to ensure landholders were comfortable with their activities.
Queensland-based gas companies continue to improve and refine the way they communicate and liaise with landholders as more than $60 billion worth of CSG to LNG projects progress towards completion. For Santos, this has included adding to its comprehensive consultation process with detailed guidebooks for landholders on the steps involved in gas development, and holding informal community meetings between landholders and industry experts in future development areas.
Agriculture and natural gas production can and do work side by side when open and transparent communication exists between all parties.
See the Courier Mail’s story about the survey here.