31 Oct 2019

An important APPEA review is underway into impacts on the marine environment.
APPEA’s Environment, Health and Safety committee’s Environmental Science Working Group (ESWG) is leading the project to review existing scientific literature, acceptable levels of noise impacts and control measures as they relate to cetaceans and finfish.
The review will deliver an industry guidance note for the Australian offshore regulatory regime which will provide a consistent approach to the assessment of noise impacts to whales and finfish.
The guide will compliment, not duplicate, other international workstreams such as the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers – Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Project.
The ESWG is looking to have the first exposure draft of the guide prepared later this month.
Marine seismic acquisition plays a critical role within industry and more than 50 years of seismic surveys worldwide and extensive peer-reviewed scientific research has demonstrated that industry’s mitigation strategies and control measures are acceptable and effective.
If you would like further information on the ESWG, please contact Jason Medd on (08) 9426 7208 or [email protected]