09 Apr 2014

Esso Australia has won the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Safety Excellence Award.
APPEA Chairman Rob Cole presented the Safety Excellence Award at Tuesday night’s APPEA 2014 Conference Dinner in Perth. He said Esso Australia had been outstanding in several key areas – prevention of major accidents, safety culture, workforce engagement, and industry safety leadership.
“In 2013, the company worked to complete the Kipper Tuna Turrum project in Bass Strait. This saw a new offshore production facility – Marlin B – beginning production in October.
“Despite the concentrate effort and pressure involved with building a major project, Esso Australia achieved a record year in its safety statistics. It posted a total recordable injuries rate of just 1.4 incidents per million work hours..
“This reflects the efforts its entire workforce made to prioritise safety.”
Esso also screens its contractors on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are aligned with the company’s safety focus and fully integrated into its safety programs. Esso’s contractor performance is in line with that of its own, reflecting the effectiveness of this approach.
Mr Cole said the oil and gas industry remains one of the best safety performers in Australia, but there is always room for further improvement.
“We recognise the need for constant leadership and vigilance,” he said.
“APPEA plays an important role in developing and coordinating industry safety programs and promoting high standards through benchmarking and identifying global and local best practice.
“The Australian oil and gas industry continues to strive for constant improvement in its safety performance, and companies such as Esso Australia are leading the way.”
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