31 Oct 2019

Australia’s leading taxation, industry, accounting, legal and commercial professionals from government, advisory and corporate organisations met in Canberra on October 23-25 to discuss issues affecting the commercial performance of Australia’s oil and gas industry.
Around 150 people attended the successful biennial APPEA Taxation and Commercial event, held at QT Hotel.
The two-day conference featured lively debate and discussions about key taxation and economic issues including from high profile keynote speakers including Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar, Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Resources Joel Fitzgibbon, Australian Taxation Office Assistant Commissioner Rebecca Saint and HSBC Chief Economist Paul Bloxham.
Some of the highlights included presentations and panel discussions on transparency and corporate financing issues, the current economic and policy environment, strengthening community support, LNG decarbonising global emissions, securing financing — factors to consider and recent trends and transparency as a key driver for industry growth and project funding.
The Conference also featured delegates from leading organisations including Wood Mackenzie, CSIRO, The Board of Taxation, EY, KPMG, PwC and Deloitte.
APPEA Chief Executive Andrew McConville opened the conference and outlined the current economic climate and tax payments for the industry.
“This sector has been built off the back of stable economic, commercial and tax policies – we have enjoyed strong growth in recent years, including through the impressive growth in liquefied natural gas exports,” Mr McConville said.
“The oil and gas industry continues to be a major driver of Australia’s economy.
“Despite some public misconceptions, we’re also paying our fair share of taxation.
“We want to work closely with the government to minimise intervention in markets to create a fair tax system that works and creates certainty and confidence for the sector.”
A dinner – where guests could network and discuss conference issues – was held for the event at Gold Creek Station at Hall in the ACT.
APPEA sincerely thanks the major sponsors including EY, KPMG, PwC and Deloitte.