11 Feb 2018

An APPEA member-only event:
- Tuesday 20 February
- 3pm – 5.30pm, including networking drinks
- Perth Convention Centre, location to be confirmed
In the first APPEA Connect Series event of 2018, engage with oil and gas professionals and hear from industry experts on the Best Approach to Decommissioning.
Andries Otter, Shell Global Solutions Decommissioning and Restoration Excellence Manager, will share lessons from decommissioning the Brent Field and how Shell balanced the its interests with community and environmental priorities in selecting a decommissioning approach.
Following this keynote presentation, Mr Otter will join a panel discussion with regulatory, research and commercial fishing representatives on how Australia can collaboratively establish a framework for measuring and balancing the value of decommissioning options.
Andries Otter: Decommissioning and Restoration Excellence Manager, Shell Global Solutions
Mr Otter joined Shell in 1992 after completing his PhD in Mechanical Engineering. After spending five years in R&D, he worked in engineering and project management roles in the US, France, Nigeria, Malaysia and the UK. In 2011, he returned to The Netherlands as Shell’s External Standards Manager. He chaired ISO Technical Committee TC67 on the standards for the oil, gas and petrochemical industry from 2012 till 2015. Mr Otter is currently Decommissioning and Restoration Excellence Manager in Shell’s Decommissioning and Restoration Centre.
Luke Twomey: Chief Executive, WA Marine Science Institute (WAMSI)
Before joining WAMSI, Mr Twomey was Director and Principal at the marine environmental consulting group BMT Oceanica. He has strong multi-sectoral marine science experience in Western Australia, with previous appointments in State government, academic institutions and industry.
Mannie Shea: Executive Officer Resource Access, WA Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC)
Marilyn (Mannie) Shea works to protect commercial fishermen’s access rights. With more than 20 years of experience in the commercial fishing sector – most recently as an external affairs advisor for Chevron – she engages with a wide range of issues, including policy development; fisheries legislation and management; marine protected areas; resource sharing; bycatch reduction; and protected species interaction.
A senior executive from NOPSEMA will also join the panel.
For more information, email Manager Events Administration, Anne Kelly at [email protected]