Australia’s federal, state and territory governments are gradually easing restrictions around public gatherings and events and how businesses can operate.
- You may be required to sign in onsite at the venue to confirm your presence at the event, even if you have previously RSVP’d and confirmed as attending the event prior.
- Due to current COVID regulations guest numbers are strictly limited and will be monitored by the venue – as such RSVP by the due date is essential to gain access the event.
- Unless otherwise stated, invitations are exclusive and not transferable.
- If you RSVP to attend the event and your circumstances change & you are no longer to attend, please let us know via [email protected] so we can invite another guest in your place.
Due to COVID safe protocols, please DO NOT ATTEND the event if you:
- Are awaiting test results for COVID-19 or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.
- Have currently, or have recently experienced any COVID-19 symptoms including cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath, even if minor
- You, or a member of your household, has travelled overseas in the past 30 days
- You, or a member of your household, has travelled to a COVID hotspot in Australia in the past 30 days
- you have been in close contact with a person who is positive for COVID-19 or are an active COVID-19 case
To limit the spread of the virus please:
- stay at least 1.5 meters away from others whenever and where ever possible
- don’t shake hands and avoid any other close physical contact where possible
- cover coughs and sneezes with an elbow or tissue
- avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth
- wash your hands or use hand sanitiser after touching any surfaces, eating or drinking
State and territory governments have different restrictions in place for public gatherings. Please visit your state or territory website for more specific information.
- Australian Capital Territory COVID-19 site
- New South Wales COVID-19 site
- Northern Territory COVID-19 site
- Queensland COVID-19 site
- South Australia COVID-19 site
- Tasmania COVID-19 site
- Victoria COVID-19 site
- Western Australia COVID-19 site
You can also use the healthdirect COVID-19 restriction checker tool.
If you have any queries in relation to attending an APPEA Event, please refer to the APPEA contact noted in your invitation, or contact us via [email protected]